My Story


Hi, I’m Emily

and I am so happy to be on this journey of Planting and Watering with you. I will walk with you each step of the way, giving you tools and practical tips to becoming the best version of you.

From having a deep spiritual intuition as a child to searching for answers to my own struggles, I’ve always lived my life asking, “Why?” I am constantly seeking to understand truth—what feels right, what makes sense and what works—and how to use that knowledge to help others.


Growing up, my family was very loving and strict, but like many of us, I witnessed codependency and a lack of healthy boundaries. On the outside, it looked good, but inside, I struggled with people pleasing and authentically knowing myself. I won the awards, made the grades, earned the scholarships, climbed the ladders, owned businesses, held the civic positions and played all of the roles like daughter, sister, friend, superlative, athlete, church member, wife, teacher, coach, and volunteer, etc.  I was on the pedestal! Until one day, I finally realized this was not who I wanted to be at the core. And I didn’t know how to take care of myself. I didn’t know how to fail until I did. On the outside it looked good, but inside I felt empty, exhausted and broken! So, I stepped off the pedestal of achievement and into the journey of finding my authentic self.

However, we’re never broken, and we don’t have to live from our wounding nor from the outside in. Knowing that is where the journey of hope and transformation begins!


This led me to pursue a master’s degree in counseling, an educational specialist degree in leadership and open a private practice—using my own transformation and life challenges of divorce, adoption, blended family, conditional love, betrayal and great loss to witness and help others going through the same things. 

Today, I am a step-mom, a wife of a very patient husband and a business owner. I am a self-proclaimed gazelle for planting and watering into peoples’ lives, and I love Jesus, unique food and porch talks. 

I’ve combined 20+ years as a teacher, coach, therapist and business owner to give you a roadmap for a happy, peaceful and empowered life. My practical tools and integrated, experiential approach will help you discover the roots of your old wounds, plant healthy habits and water empowered beliefs so you can love yourself fully and become who you are meant to be—which will lead you to better relationships, reduced stress and true happiness from the inside.  It’s transformational —I promise you.  

I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you!  Let’s Plant and Water together!  


Blessings and love to you,



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