The Plant + Water Way

 The Plant + Water Way 

The Plant and Water Way is a holistic, integrated approach that will help you recognize how all of your life experiences have shaped you.  Then use that awareness to regain your purpose, discover your most authentic self and transform your life! 

By looking at all of the parts that make up who we are today, we are able to gain greater awareness of why we do what we do, identify conscious and unconscious wounds that hold us back and transform the way these wounds impact our lives. The Plant and Water Way is a roadmap to loving yourself fully and living authentically in your Adult Chair!

“It’s simple & transformational, I promise you” 


At Plant and Water, I use three components to guide you through a simple and transformational process to help you become your most authentic self, live life fully and be who you were meant to be.

Growing up on a farm, I learned the importance of planting and watering. I’ve brought my roots together with the best practical tools to help you plant healthy habits and water new beliefs and self-love so you can harvest the increase of becoming who you are meant to be. This is the roadmap I use every day to live fully and freely — just like I know you can!

Discover the roots of your old wounds, plant healthy habits and water new beliefs.

Many Blessings,


 The Planting... 

Self-Awareness: The Roots and Trunk of a Tree

  • Who am I?  

  • What is my core purpose?

  • How did I get here? 

  • How did the soil I was planted in form my beliefs and create my masks?

In PLANTING, you first uncover your roots, explore the soil in which you were planted and discover how it created your belief system, distorted your thinking and formed the masks you wear today. I walk alongside you to examine your core purpose and explore the power and possibilities that lies within you.

Your purpose is the fountain out of which everything else flows. It’s the reason you are on earth. By PLANTING healthy beliefs, roots grow stronger and keep you grounded while living the authentic life you never thought possible –  a life of happiness, peace and improved relationships.

The Watering..   

Growing and Pruning Tools: The Branches and Leaves of a Tree

  • Who do I want to be?

  • What are my gifts, talents and passions?

  • How do I live my life’s purpose?

  • How do I live authentically?

By WATERING, you nourish self-love, grow your purpose and prune unproductive parts. Using practical tools and an experiential approach, you heal old wounds, uncover your gifts, remove masks and transform into your most authentic self. By watering your natural talents, you begin living fully and authentically. 

Your natural gifts are the things that will produce the ultimate fruit in your life. And you are here on earth to produce much fruit! There’s only one you and you are a MASTERPIECE!

The Increase... 

Loving Yourself and Living a Life of Happiness and Peace: The Fruit

The increase is producing fruit and living in your highest self: living in the present moment, dealing with facts and truth over stories and assumptions and being able to set boundaries from a place of patience and compassion. While seated here in the flow of the Adult Chair, we can deeply connect with our inner child’s needs, tap into our natural gifts and prune back our unproductive parts. It is here that you can become aware of—and overcome—the old programming. As you do this, you will grow stronger, more nourishing roots that keep you grounded while loving yourself fully and living an authentic life you never thought possible—a life of happiness, peace, improved relationships and INCREASE!

This is where the Plant + Water Way and The Adult Chair model come together. The Adult Chair model gives us a roadmap for living as our healthiest selves, and when we raise our awareness and prune away the areas of our life that keep us stuck, the result is that we find ourselves living our Adult Chair more often and becoming the best version of ourselves we can be.

Want to Learn More About the Plant + Water Way?

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